Sunday, February 3, 2008

Heck Yeah!

this post is purely to express my joy on the giants underdog extravaganza! there's some sweet satisfaction in the upset and sweet justice that the team caught cheating did not win it all in the end. love my giants :-)


Anonymous said...

Football Karma has never been stronger. Great game, and the Giants definitely deserved that one. I can't believe Eli is a Super Bowl MVP, this has totally changed my belief system, because up until 5 weeks ago I was sure he was terrible.

It's not very often your team can win and I can actually be happy for you -- so let's enjoy this!

christine said...

haha, so true :-)

you and everyone else thought eli was not capable of it. you just never know!

christine said...

although the one-handed helmet catch deserved the MVP look i think...even though he's not the quarterback

Brett said...

Id just like to point out that Eli was inches away about 4 different times on his final drive from being the super bowl goat by throwing a should have been interception and a prayer of a throw that the real MVP caught. HOWEVER, he did escape being sacked a couple times that were huge and he has good genes. Nothing was more satisfying than seeing Brady get killed all night long. :)

Jory Crowell said...

You guys are unbelievable!!!!!
The Patriots RULE!!! The GIANTS DRULE!!!

You all know the Patriots aren't cheaters and would beat the Giants 99 out of 100 games. Eli Manning has nothing to do with the Giants Luck. And what is all this Karma talk? We gotta get you Faro's visiting Boston more often. Then maybe you can learn to call the kettle black! Miss you guys.

If the topics are gonna keep bashing Boston, I am not sure if I can keep reading it. When you gonna start bashing the Celtics?

christine said...

ok, yeah they might beat the giants 99 games...but they didn't last sunday...and thats the point. and none of us are saying that eli is the man at all. and you're a stinking new yorker!!!! how dare you change loyalties!!! and nobody cares enough about the nba to bash the celtics :-)

and we miss you too :-)

welcome to the whirlwind we call our lives!