so i woke up this morning and my legs were really sore. i went for a jog yesterday but it shouldn't have made me sore so i was confused. then i remembered why i probably got sore from that run...i had a brief sprinting session. so let me tell you what happened. i went out for a run and was gonna go through our neighborhood before going across the street to run in theirs. i turn down the first cul-de-sac and get about one house in and i hear a dog go nuts barking at the end of the cul-de-sac. i keep jogging just thinking that it was, it was apparently furious with me for runnning on his street. so he is probably about 4 or 5 houses down and starts to book it towards me, all the while, snarling and showing his teeth. so i quickly realize that i'm about to get attacked by a dog and turn around and start sprinting back as fast as i can. it doesn't take too long to realize that much like most other people in this world, the dog is also faster than me. so i decide to run on someones lawn and try to jump their fence into their backyard. just as i'm about to hop the fence the dog comes to an abrupt stop about 20 yards away. at this point, i'm wondering why on earth he just sprinted the length of a football field only to stop right before eating me alive but i'm not staying around to figure that one out. what a way to start my run. i had already felt like i ran a marathon and it had only been a few minutes. so my brief sprint from death is why my legs are sore. and this leaves me with more hatred for people that assume their own dogs are friendly and think they can just go wherever they heck they want. all i wanted to do was get outside and get a workout...put your stinking animal on a leash!!!! or get an invisible fence!!! add this to the list of why i just don't like animals.
so sidenote, i tell this story to neighbors that came over to watch the olympics last night. and when they left to walk home, the same dog started to run afer them! so then some lady comes outside and says "oh, don't worry, i'm just taking care of him for my daughter, he'll be gone tomorrow". are not "taking care" of him, you are letting him run loose and terrorize the neighborhood.
On My Bookshelf
10 years ago